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Service Incident -

We currently have a technical issue with and our engineers are working on the situation.

If you could please refrain from sending multiple copies of the same video to the service at the moment as this will only increase the backlog and the time it will take the service to return to normal.

In the meantime, if you need a video urgently you can still publish your project locally and get a copy of your video that way. You can do this using the option highlighted in this screenshot.

We will update this post once the service has returned to normal.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this issue

This issue has now been resolved and service is back to normal. 

If you are still waiting for a project published from yesterday morning it is likely that request has failed, please try it again now that the service is back to full capacity.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this issue and thanks very much for your patience and understanding while we worked on the issue. 

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