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Voiceover plus audioeffects


Is it possible to have a voice-over and then import audio effects to certain elements?

Example: When I am explaining about the properties of glass with pictures or gifs can I add an audio effect of glass breaking at a point where the pic/gif shows up?.

You can have one music track and one voiceover track. It will only allow you to use one VideoScribe music track in your project.

Each track added will play from start to finish. As you can import both a voiceover and music track MP3, you could always edit your audio accordingly (ie. adding fades/sound effects etc) and then import the MP3 into your project. 

The Record a voiceover will go into some hints and tips at the bottom of the article. 

Would love to be able to add more than one audio on top of each other. I have a long video I want to film but it is hard to get the voiceover perfect in one recording. Wish I could record multiple small chunks of audio and continue on the same scribe screen. Right now I have to break it down into multiples scribes which is unfortunate because you lose continuity for anything on the screen

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