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Zoom levels

I'm new to Videoscribe. I've been trying to render a video to PowerPoint. The rendering is frozen because "zoom levels are extreme" . I want to understand the following:

1) How can I see the zoom levels on each element?

2) How can I identify which element has an extreme zoom level?

3) How can I change zoom levels? If the element is too small I need to enlarge OR if too big I need to reduce the size? 

BUT how can I see what the actual ZOOM level is on each element. 

4) How can I set the zoom levels to 50-1000%

 1) click the thumbnail image in the timeline and then click the "show camera position" icon which is at the upper left of the thumbnail.

2) Zoom level is displayed on the screen. Personally I try to keep zoom levels close to 100% or  approximately between 15% and 500%.

3)Yes, change the size of the image, zoom in or out and then click the "set camera" icon.

that was answered in answer 1

that was answered in answer 3

Watch the tutorials on the instant answers page if you need specific help learning to use the basic features of the program.

Hope that helps,
Mike(videoscribe user)

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