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Please add animated svg images

Animated svg images make the whiteboard animation look more attractive. Kindly add this option. Thank you.


If you have specific images you would like to see, add in your ideas to the 'What images would you like to see?' forum 

There are numerous animated svg's that could be created.

e.g. characters walking, talking, explaining, potining to a whiteboard

clock ticking, car, truck, bus with moving wheels etc.

Also, the means to import custom svg animations,

would  greatly help improve the experience we create using  videoscribe to design explainers and the like.


Hi Denis! 

Can you add in your ideas to the 'What images would you like to see?' forum - our creative team is constantly adding new images in! 

You can import your own SVGs- there's a support article here that goes into details about creating them- Create your own images :)

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