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Please install Japanese fonts for use. (RR-1170)


1 person likes this idea

Hello Everyone, 

We've been working on a major update to text and fonts over recent months and are getting close to supporting Japanese! 

As this is a significant change and a long standing request we want to be sure we are doing things right. We're looking for a small group of beta testers who are native speakers to put the new version to the test. You will be asked to provide us feedback so we can ensure it works well before we release it formally to the whole community. 

Does this sounds like something you would be interested in? If so, please email telling us why you want be involved and we'll pick a few lucky people from the applicants we receive.

Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

Finally, videoscribe worldwide font problem is solved


I am sending this message from Japan.

Are there any progress around here?

I have been asking this since I first subscribed in 2016.

I am happy to be a beta



We've released v3.6 of VideoScribe this morning which has some big changes to fonts and text, including Japanese support. 

Find out more about what's included and also how to upgrade to this version via the v3.6 release notes.

This is wonderful to know!

Thank you very much!

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