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Necesitas una cuenta Sparkol PRO para usar VideoScribe. Solo puedes aprovechar esta versión de prueba una vez.

Necesitas una cuenta Sparkol PRO para usar VideoScribe. Solo puedes aprovechar esta versión de prueba una vez.

5 people have this question


Your 7 day free trial began on 10 January 2018 so will have expired by now. If you would like to continue to use the software, please purchase a subscription plan.

Si compro una cuenta pro, puedo usar la aplicaciòn desde calquier pc?? o debo descargar previamente para su uso??

You have to download and install the program and any pc in order to use the program on that pc.

-Mike (videoscribe user)

Necesito la cuenta

Necesitas una cuenta Sparkol PRO para usar VideoScribe. Solo puedes aprovechar esta versión de prueba una vez.

If you have not used the free trial and do not have an account, you can create a Sparkol account.

If you have an account and have used the free trial you can purchase a subscription plan to continue using the software. This will give you access to the full features of VideoScribe.

no puedo entrar con la cuenta gratis que e credado

Is there an error message?

@Oscar silvano Iraheta carcamo

The account you have posted on this forum with has already used it's free-trial back in 2016. That was a long tie ago though and a lot has changed so I have just given you a fresh 7 days of trial, starting today, so you can log-in again and take a fresh look.

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