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I can't sign in without having a pro account

Hey there, I am using the trial version for my school presentation. I thought I had one more day left but I was wrong. Please tell me there is another way to get my presentation without buying it. I want to send it you YouTube but no I can't even sign in if I don't take a account for money :( If I really have to buy the account, does that mean that my whole presentation is gone if I can't pay that?!

That should be too bad :(

Hi Melan,

Thanks for getting in touch.

VideoScribe allows you to trial the software free for 7 days.

If a trial has already been used on a computer, then you will not be able to activate another trial on that computer.

If you have never used a trial before and you get this message, please try on a different computer.

Hi Joe (or anyone else who can help)

I have used the trial software and just started a month-to-month subscription but when trying to log in, I am prompted with a message saying: You are already logged in on another machine. 

How do I log in? How do I prevent this from happening again, if I plan to work on multiple computer (home/office)?


1) if you use more than one computer, always log out when you finish if you plan to log in on a different computer later.

2) If you use a laptop, I think that powersaving features may power-down the network card causing the problem you described.  Change your settings or keep your laptop plugged in to prevent the problem.

3) usually the message goes away after 5 or 10 minutes if you have simply lost your internet connection

-Mike (videoscribe user)


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