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When will v2.1 alpha be released

 When will v2.1 alpha be released?

1 person has this question

Hi Arlo,

We are very close to a full release of VideoScribe 2.1.

It is currently in Beta stage and we are working on a few tweaks at present.

Once the testing phase is reviewed and completed we will release.

I would imagine this will be before Christmas if all goes well. 

What is the status of the full/final 2.1 release please?


I would like to know as well. I'm done trying to work with v2.0x, and hope v2.1 is more reliable.

Just an update. We will not be releasing 2.1 until the new year.

We do not have a specific date as yet.

Any good news yet Joe?


Hi John,

We have a 2.1 version Beta Program available for Pro users currently.

We are also going to release an updated 2.1 Beta release before it goes live.

We will be updating the Beta version in the next couple of weeks.

Hi Joe,

When do you think you'll release the FULL final alpha version of 2.1 to everyone.



Hi Pete,

We have recently updated a new beta version of 2.1.

We are not quite there with a full release and are currently working on 

a number of improvements with a particular feature we want included in the full 2.1 release.

Here's hoping that the new feature is, "Quality so good that we don't have to keep version 1.3 available, and everyone can enjoy all the other new features!"

Here's hoping that the new feature is, "a production quality release." Then we could all upgrade from 1.3.26 and enjoy these new features we've been hearing about since early 2012!

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