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Where are my old scribes?

I´ve have a Pro subscription since 1 year ago, with lots of scribes finished. I´ve always had acess to them in the "initial" panel. But today, after upgraded to last version (2.0.2), I don´t see any of my old scribes.

How can I have acess to them?

2 people have this question

Hi Luis,

Sorry that you have had this problem.

Upgrading to 2.0.2 will not have deleted any of your scribes, but if there was a problem with the upgrading process it could be the case that VideoScribe is having problems accessing them. So we can help you to resolve this issue I have converted this post to a ticket and you will receive an email from our support team shortly.

Hi, I seem to be having the same issue. I can see one of my old scribes however my other old scribes are no longer accessible. Would you be able to help?

I am having the same problem, I cannot access my previous Scribes.
Please help!

Hi Everyone.

VideoScribe files are stored in a separate location to the application meaning that uninstalling and re-installing the application will not remove any previous scribes.

Here are a number common reasons why you may not see your scribes:

  • You have stored the scribes locally on a computer and are now using VideoScribe on a different computer.
  • You stored the scribes locally using a PC with a specific user profile, you are now logging into that PC with a different user profile.
  • You have stored the scribes to the online (cloud) directory and are looking in the local directory.
  • You have created more than one Sparkol account and the scribes are stored in the online (cloud) directory on a different Sparkol account.
  • You have saved the scribes by exporting them as .scribe file to a local computer so they do not show in VideoScribe (meaning you have to import them).
  • You have deleted the scribes.

Please can you review these scenarios as generally they will answer why you cannot find your scribe files.

If you need further advice on missing scribes, please raise a new support ticket

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