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how to rendering

 HELLO ADMIN!,how to rendering my scribe as a MOV?and why my scribe doesnt have the icon which is use to copying and sharing?

Hi Suaidah,

.Mov rendering is a feature for Pro users.

You can Compare the Current Feature on the Different Licence Versions.

I'm not sure what you mean by icon for copying and sharing, are you able to clarify this by sending a screen shot?

hello admin.Im using free-trial to making video for my project.In video version2 tutorial1,he say that free trial can only use one that is windows wmv and 640 normal to rendering scribe as a MOV.but, i cant publish the video even when follow all the step that he teach.Can you help me?


Hi suaidah shukri,

The videoscribe version2 video tutorial #1 says that FREE users can ONLY save their video as a WMV at a size of 640. It says:  "if you've got the free trial you will only be able to use these default settings".

The video then says that PRO users have additional options such as other sizes and other file formats including MOV or FLV.

EDIT: Despite what seems to be implied in the current tutorial video, free users cannot save video to their computer using videoscribe version 2.0.2 they can only upload wmv video to facebook, youtube or export to a powerpoint .


I hope that helps,

-Mike (videoscribe user)

 hello.In that tutorial ,he says that free trial just can only save their video as a WMV at a size of 640 right?. they just have WMV and size of 640.In my scribe there is frame rate too,i think cause of that i can't save my video.How i must do to make just WMV and size only at my scribe to save my video .


As a Free trial user you can save a video to a Powerpoint presentation (the format of the video is WMV), upload to Facebook or Youtube.

To have the option just to render as WMV is available to Pro users only.

Thanks for clarifying that, Joe!
I THOUGHT that was the case, but I didn't mention it in my previous message because the tutorial video pretty specifically implies that free users can save WMV videos to their computers so maybe that tutorial needs a little re-editing or a note overlayed at about 18:40 in the video:

quote: "this button here (pointing to the "save video  to disk" icon) allows you to create a file with particular settings. So let me just show you these options. (clicks the button and displays the "save video to disk" settings) So by default we have a WMV, windows media video,  and 640 by 480 is the resolution. If you've got the free trial you'll only be able to use these default settings..."

-Mike (videoscribe user)


Hi Mike, 

Thanks for this. I have let Jonny know about it and we are looking into it.

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