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2.02 Feedback

 Is anyone using 2.02 yet? Any problems or are things working well?

If problems please say if you are using windows or mac machine.


i have so many timeline issues, i will go back to 2.01 but that one is also a mess so... in the next few weeks I'm going go back to the old 1.3.26 soon (but i will need to make all new videos)  SO FRUSTRATED !!!!

Hey Joe

What kind of TimeLine issues were you having? So far the only thing I have created with 2.02 is the demo from the Core Training Videos. I had no issues but then again the demo was pretty simple. I would appreciate if you could elaborate more on the type of issues you were having and if you are using a MAC or Windows machine.



I'm on a mac ... i have a video with i would say over 40 objects ... so i added a simple arrow and i wanted to move it to i would say around the middle ... so i clicked and dragged it threw the timeline and dropped it where i needed ....  then it fell to the back like before in past problems ... but this time it took me a while to get it moved .. some times when that happened i could still edit it but this time it would not let me do anything could not move it nothing ....  so just for fun i added a second arrow and it would shoot from the start of the timeline to the end when i clicked and dragged it threw with out letting it go on my mouse just shaped from one end of the time line to the other.. that one is new i have not seen that before  ....  so i can't take this much time for bugs  .. trying to troubleshoot problems is not going to work anymore  ..  so I'm going to remake all of my videos and go back to 1.3.26 the last update that worked for the most part .. 

Hi Joe, sorry you have had issues.

We can certainly investigate the problems for you if you would like to raise a ticket.

If you can save a copy of the effected scribe(s) to the online directory we can investigate.

If you would like to raise a ticket, please use this link -

Thanks, Joe

I believe that support works Monday through Friday during UK business hours so you will probably have a reply from them tomorrow.

In the meantime, you could still list your problems here if you want suggestions from the community.
If you don't want to list your problems or if they seem to mostly be related to features of version 2 (like the timeline problem)  You might want to either upgrade to the newest version (2.0.2)
or downgrade back to version 1.3.26 (which is still the best, most user friendly and most reliable in my opinion.)

Be aware that if you revert to version 1.3.26, you will not be able to use version 1.3.26 to open any scribes that you have made or saved in newer versions of the program. Also version 1.3.26 has a few less features (no WMV, no multiple select, no font import...) but it also has a few added features that were lost in version 2 (you can manually set your video dimensions and frame rate for MOV, file names are displayed in the library...)

In either version, you can avoid almost all problems by using properly prepared images with smaller file sizes (roughly 0-250 kb I'd recommend) and conservative camera settings.

all available versions: downloads page
uninstall from PC: uninstall-videoscribe-from-a PC
uninstall from mac: uninstall-videoscribe-from-a mac
official troubleshooting guides: Instant Answers- troubleshooting
unofficial tips for avoiding crashes, freezes and other problems: tips to avoid freezes, crashes etc

-Mike (videoscribe user)


there is a big change on 2.0.2 ... its a lot less buggy ... there are still many issues i run in to. But at least i can get threw a video some times with out having to stop, close out the program, and restart it every time. 

Is there a place where we can list the bugs we discover JUST FOR 2.02 in one place. This way it can easily be accessed by all and we don't have to keep repeating the same bugs throughout the forum.

 It would be great to have a heading at the top that said something like "2.02 Bug Testing" along with the top headings that say "Instant Answer" "Community" and "Ask a Question"

The problem with reporting bugs on the regular forum half the time when someone list a problem they don't say what version it is and if you are searching just for 2.02 posts they are hard to find.

I want to stay on top of  2.02 but the way the forum is structured makes it hard.

Lets do this right and make 2.02 the best version yet and one way to do that is making 2.02 bugs and comments easy to find by all.


they are up to 2.0.3 (thats what I'm using) ....but I'm thinking 2.1 will be next in the pipe line but I'm not sure I'm just a customer. 

Than maybe call it "Beta Bug Testing"

The idea being that while beta testing it is kept all in one place so we can see what's going on without having to dig through the regular forum.


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