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I can't add text

I have searched the previous help topics, watched numerous video tutorials and I still can't get any text to go into my VideoScribe.

When I click on one of the other tools (e.g. images or music) I get a dialogue box that allows me to add an image (or whatever) and gives me options for formatting this. When I click on the "T" icon, nothing happens.

I have tried quitting and restarting and double-clicking, dragging etc but nothing happens.

Any suggestions?

Hi Jane,

Could you tell us where you are running VideoScribe - is it on a Mac or on an iPad?



I was using a Mac

Hi Jane

I am converting this into a support question and we will get back to you soon



I downloaded the app for my iPad last night. Text was working it then did one of it's many crashes and now I can't add text no dialogue box opens. I've rebooted the iPad soft and hard TNA. Thos renders the app worthless :( plus auto save doesn't work

Hi Dan, sorry you have this issue.

Does seem odd that the text icon does not respond.

I would suggest trying to reset your iPad back to it's default settings

as this has resolved a problems with buttons not responding before.

Resetting the settings will not cause any data loss. Please check that the icon now works before changing any of the settings back.

If you still have a problem after this, please raise a support ticket and we can investigate further.

Here is the direct link to log a ticket

Thanks, Joe 

I also can not add text on my ipad I have reset everything and it has not worked

Hi Benjamin, sorry to hear that.

If you have followed the previous advice please raise a ticket for further investigation.

Thanks, Joe

I have the same problem also on iPad. The first trial scribe I made was fine but no text box now and re downloading resetting etc not working - help please as I really want to get on with using this app.

Hi Alyson,

Sorry you have had this issue.

Please raise a support ticket so we can investigate further.

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