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Drawing in the old version looks more realistic as a drawing than in 2.0

In the old version it would draw/trace the image as if it was really drawing it, in the new version it looks like there are scribbles all over the place as it tries to draw, doesn't look like a realistic drawing of anything just a bunch of 8 like looking circles, and lines all over the place then the image finally comes into place.  The best thing about scribe is the way it draws, it actually looks  like it is drawing the image, and this is what many clients have told me is that they want the real drawing look.  I have probably 4 different softwares I use in creating videos for complanies and people for projects, and 8 out of 10 times I will use scribe because of the ease of use and the realistic drawing.  In the new version 2.0, when you add an image it comes up with 6 different features to choose from, and not one of them looks like the old version of drawing, in any way. I have used hi rez images, and down to stick people in the old version and it actually looks like I am drawing them, in the new version, it just splatters lines and circles all over the place and then all of the sudden a picture appears after the hand is through doing its thing.  As far as I can see in 2.0 everything else seems to be ok, but the way it draws will not work for the hi end quality videos I aim to create. Please change the drawing method to the old version way so it looks like a drawing and not a splatter of lines all over. In the mean time I will be going back to 1.3. 26 or other software to get the look I need.


I agree with the sentiments above related to the scribing ability of today of 2 as compared to earlier versions.  I also do not appreciate having new versions without any time table for release dangled in front of us paying customers. The get "excited and wait" for who knows when is aggravating.b

I see a lot of the hard users have replied to this thread so I may as well throw in my 2 cents. Since 1.3.26, I have been disappointed with every update. When 2.0 came out, I thought, ok, I'm going to give this a gallant effort. I put 2.0 on another computer and tried using it on simple jobs. I spent a good month using 2.0 but in the end the final results were never as good as 1.3.26.

I must admit, I don't get Sparkol. Their Customer service response is great, but the development team or whatever they are called, seems to always miss the mark. Lousy interface, performance not as good and bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs.

I use to get excited when Sparkol put out a new version. No more. They are now talking about future updates using animated gifs and other nice features and I must admit my excitement radar did go up, but I bet when it comes out that excitement will be dampened with a poor interface and navigation, crashes and bugs.

I try to be optimistic, but to be honest, Sprakol needs to take some of the blame for dashing our hopes by putting out update after update after update that is buggy and never lives up to the hype.

Fingers crossed they  start putting out a product that is worthy of Video Scribe's initial media hype which is slowing dying with every update after 1.3.26.

My two cents.


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