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How to edit a videoscirbe from 2 different computers?

Hi So I was wondering is it possible to edit your videoscribe from 2 different computers? I will sometimes start my videoscribe editing process on my laptop but then when I go into work I would like to edit it on my desktop with a bigger screen. Is this possible? and if it is how can you do it? thank you! 

1) using videoscribe on the first computer, save the project locally and then save the project online.

2) exit and close videoscribe completely on the first computer.

3) log into videoscribe on the second computer using the same account

4) on the second computer open the online saved project in videoscribe.


1) using videoscribe on the first computer, save the project locally and then export the project as a .scribe file.

2) exit and close videoscribe completely on the first computer.

3) use email, a USB drive or some other method to transfer or copy the .scribe file from the first computer to the second computer.

4) log into videoscribe on the second computer using the same account

5) on the second computer import the .scribe file into videoscribe.

more information about saving and loading your projects, and other basic features, can be found on the Instant Answers page.

-Mike (videoscribe user)

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