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Language Barrier

Dear Sir,

I want to make some videos for our community in vernacular language Marathi (Spoken in State of Maharashtra in India) spoken by 73 million people and 19th in world in terms of most spoken language in world.

In vides cribe only English font is allowed if Marathi language through Google IME is allowed through Mangal font, it will be very helpful and appreciable. Then I will be able to purchase it.


Dr. Jaikrishna S. Phad


Maharashtra State


I have passed this onto our development team and it will be considered for inclusion in a future release.

plz do sir

Additional language support is probably the most important improvement.

Until that feature is added, the current workaround is to make an SVG image out of your text. There are several ways to do it. The simplest methods provide less satisfactory "drawing" of the text. The more complex methods provide very good drawing of the text:

Make any Font, Text or Equation draw well (2017) SVG tricks

In the second link above, you will also find a link to OttoBergsma's program that converts text to SVGs. (It seems to work well, but it is provided by a user and is not a product of, or guaranteed by Sparkol)

-Mike (videoscribe user)

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