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Support is changing for earlier versions of VideoScribe

Support for older versions of VideoScribe is ending

Since the recent release of VideoScribe version 3.0.9, we have reviewed which versions of VideoScribe we currently support. With this review complete we are removing support for all VideoScribe versions prior to version 2.3.7.

What does this mean?

As of Friday 4th May 2018 you will need to ensure that you are on version 2.3.7 or later to continue using VideoScribe. If you get the ‘Application updates’ notification, you will need to click on the red ‘UPGRADE’ to begin downloading 2.3.7. If you do not see this message when you open VideoScribe, no action is required: 

Alternatively you can log into your account page and  download the latest version.

If you need any assistance with downloading or upgrading, please refer to our Installation and login section on our Instant  Answers page. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to raise a support ticket and we will be happy to assist you.


Best wishes,

The Sparkol team.

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