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pencil and paintbrush without a hand

Would it be possible to add a standalone pencil and paintbrush to the choice of hands?

I mean without a hand holding them, like you have in the "pens" section.

Hi Russ,

We don't have any plans at the moment to add any more hands or pens to the library, but if there are any you would like to see, you could add them yourself. We have a help article that takes you through the steps to import your own hands in VideoScribe. The same can be used if it is a pen/pencil/paintbrush without a hand.

OK--I want to add a new pen image but it seems the UI has changed--I checked everywhere and didn't find help--

point me in the right direction? thanks

BPEN.png BPEN.png
599 KB

The link in the reply immediately above yours is current. What part is giving you trouble?

-Mike (videoscribe user)

Created a hand and pen image in Photoshop them – it worked – thank you!

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