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I'm not logged in, but it says I am.

I'm trying to log into VideoScribe and I'm being told that I'm already logged in on a different computer. How can I rectify this issue. I need to work on my project!

1 person has this question

All fixed thank you!

We have a new help page which explains why this happens and things you can do to fix it -

My account says I am also logged in and can't work on my video. Please help!

Hello, I am trying to reopen my project and had to do a force quit.  I am trying to login again but it says I am logged into another device which I am not.  Are you able to help me with this?


Please see the advice on this help page - You are already logged in on a different device

It says I am already logged in. Can you kick me out so that I can get in? 

Why this bug? Can you fix it permanently?

Hello I have an urgent deadline in 9 hours, I haven't finished making mine and I've already done everything recommended. Last time I opened it was yesterday night, it's currently in the afternoon. I recall saving it but I did close it right away. Something happened with our internet connection today too and I already cleared my cache, I waited for so many minutes and nothing has worked. Please kick me out of my account ASAP so that I can immediately log on back to it and continue with my work. Thanks

Please see the suggestions on this help page to work through that error -

If you are still having problems after that please raise a ticket and include details of what you have tried in the ticket so we don't ask you to do those things again.

Hey can you help me to log me out too

? i need to login and complete a very important project


I am having the same issue whilst logging in

Can you manually kick me out please, thank you !

Please see the suggestions on this help page to work through that error -

If you are still having problems after that please raise a ticket and include details of what you have tried in the ticket so we don't ask you to do those things again.

I'm trying to log into VideoScribe and I'm being told that I'm already logged in on a different computer. How can I rectify this issue. 

It is saying I am logged in to another computer but I'm not. I have restarted my computer, unplugged in, deleted browsing history etc. and it still isn't working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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