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ubuntu version

 So sorry you don have a version for ubuntu users  :(

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We do not have plans at the moment for porting VideoScribe into UNIX but some users have had some success getting VideoScribe to run via WINE, although we do not support this.

As I see googling around, videoscribe works under wine when the Ubuntu (or any other linux distribution) is in x86 (32bits) machine. Any attempt to run videoscribe under wine under x86_64 fails miserably.

Sorry about this Istar. Due to the technology we use to build VideoScribe, any linux version is currently not on the table.

As David did mention though there are many users who have had success with the Wine project and VideoScribe. Not long ago ago we installed it on a machine running a 64bit Fedora installation and it seemed to work pretty well. I'd say it's probably still work a try on Ubuntu if you have the time. However as Chris said above, we don't offer any support for this and any release may have unforeseen issues.

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