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exporting to swf format

Good morning to all, I'm new in this forum; I would ask you if is possible implement the export to swf format.

Hi Paolo, thanks for your question.

SWF is not an option we provide for VideoScribe.

You can export as .MOV, .WMV, .FLV, Jpeg/PNG sequences as a Pro user.

I will change this question to an idea to be considered as a feature request.

Please add this feature!

We are adding some new rendering options soon but there is not much demand for supporting the SWF format. Don't forget that it's possible to render a video in one format and then use a free transcoder to convert it into a different format, e.g. SWF.

@ Christopher Heseltine:

Isn't the same thing because the native output in swf format (using vector graphic) is more efficient and use less resources than insert a video into a file swf or insert the frame of a video in sequence into a swf file

Okay thanks for letting me know. I will log the request with the development team and consider it for a future release.

This feature will be implemented in 2.3 version?

Hi Paolo,

Thanks for getting back to us.

This feature request is with our development team, currently there is no decision to implement into VideoScribe..

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