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Direct input of math formulas

 It would be great if there will be a possibility to directly input math formulas (e.g. LaTeX) in the next version of Videscribe. 

33 people like this idea

Hi Andreas, thanks for your idea.

If it prove to be a popular request we will consider it for a future release.

Thanks, Joe 

Hi, I also would greatly appreciate the ability to directly input math formulas as Andreas suggested. As someone looking to make educational videos, I think this feature would be very useful.



Hello, Oh my gosh, this is just what this excellent application is missing from becoming perfect: LaTeX support, imagine how many engineers, scientist, teachers, students and bussiness people are hating being unable to paste a simple fórmula with integrals diferentials and specials characters, for the developer, remember is only matter of working along together with MathJax, that would do it.

Yes I would definitely like this.... LaTeX

As it would mean that a program I have, MathType, could be used with videoscribe.

Couldn't it be done by converting a few math formulas to jpg and insert in your scribble project?


This is what VideoScribe is missing to be what I was hoping it would be when I started my subscription.  Ros, what you're suggesting could certainly be done;  however, it would make using VideoScribe for such things fairly pointless, at least in terms of differentiation with other media that can do the same thing with less effort.  Mathematical concepts are expressed in a language (and it's not just formulae) that crosses numerous cultural and linguistic barriers. 

For those of us trying to communicate and convey concepts that by their nature are best suited to this language--and that includes a wide variety of areas one might not normally consider, including linguistics--through visualizations without access to the proper graphemes, it is extremely frustrating.  To get an idea why, consider whether the tool would seem as useful if it were only to allow you to use text by importing it as a picture (so it all came in at once) or the scribe only drew the outlines of the letters and then filled in. 

The point of the scribes is in the steps toward the reveal, the way in which portions of the result are sketched and brought together toward a coherent whole.  This is useful for understanding and retention, as it allows one to explain the components and how they fit in as they are shown rather than presenting the audience with an otherwise intimidating whole.  Otherwise it can be like trying to learn a new language without being given a way to separate the lexemes in a sentence.  This tool, used in an appropriate compositional sequence, could help lower the barriers to entry for a number of fields (as Daniel, Robert, and Josh indicated previously in response to the original comment by Andreas).   

Just offering a perspective that might, understandably, not occur to those who don't understand the point of the request Andreas posted.  It offers a lot of promise to help move ideas forward. 

Another vote for LaTeX support - without it VideoScribe is useless to my institution


Great post by Rob Jackson. It illustrates the need for LaTeX support from the mathematics community.

Unfortunately, if VideoScribe does not add LaTeX input into a future edition, I won’t be renewing my yearly subscription. VideoScribe is a great program otherwise, it’s just missing one essential feature that I need for the types of videos that I want to produce.

 This would be a fabulous feature and extremely useful.

I am sure it will be a dealbreaker for my colleges also. I like VideoScribe, - but to be honest, I don't think I can convince my boss to buy me the program if I can't truely use it.

I teach math,  is writing formulas important? Obviously it is!

YES! Latex is really missing: I now import latex equations as svg's but unfortunately text outlines are scribbled: doesn't look very good. PLEASE add latex functionality as soon as possible.


Guys, don't forget to 'like' the original post. We searched for the most liked items when thinking about future features to add

Rob Jackson that was a very well stated, response...

The idea of videoscribe is to only put things on the screen that are needed to be concentrated on.

Mathematics is definitely a subject where a LOT of questions need to have individual steps focused on, one step at a time..... and one step only.

So the overall purpose of videoscribe is completely lost if the mathematics cannot be scribed one step at a time.

There Tex markups besides LaTeX.... But LaTeX seems to be by the far the most common.

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