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Is there a limit on length (export render) in v2?

I have a Scribe which lasts a about 7 mins but when I export to Youtube or export to a local WMV file at 780pm it stops dead on 6 mins 30 seconds, chopping the very end off. It plays fine all the way through within Videoscribe. Is there a limit on export length or is there any feature which can cause export to stop?

I don't think so, but there are known problems with WMV, youtube and powerpoint in version 2.X so try a different movie format like MOV or FLV and then manually upload the saved movie to youtube. Also use the search function or check Instant Answers for more information

-Mike (videoscribe user)


Cheers Mike, you are spot on. Just managed to successfully export the whole scribe as a MOV file with no issues. In fact the render seemed to go almost twice as fast than when rendering to WMV or uploading straight to Youtube.

Thanks Mike.


-if you were running 2.0, please upgrade to 2.0.1 as all WMV issues are fixed in that issue.

-if you experienced this issue in 2.0.1 then it is most likely related to the issue of VideoScribe running our of memory, which we're fixing now :)


I created a scribe of more than a minute duration but during export in MOV at 1080, it stops before the end. I have V 2.1.1 installed on my MAC. Any advise?

posted an answer in your other thread. Also you can search for similar threads.

-Mike (videoscribe user)


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