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limited morphing with color

True morphing may be challenging. But most of the time, I only rotate/translate/scale the same object (i.e. without transform to another object). Can we have at least these operations on same image/text with color support? Thanks!


4 people like this idea

I agree wholeheartedly with Howard.  Every client asks for animated images that are morphed to retain their color. I have to tell them the software doesn't support it and find ways to cleverly move things around sans color or move it in from the borders.  Is there a timetable for morphing with color? Thanks! Karl

There is not a plan to implement morphing with colours but you could add it to our Ideas and features requests section and it will be considered for inclusion in a future release. 

You may be able to achieve the effect you require using animated GIFs instead. 

Using animated GIFs

4 free tools to create animated GIFs

Actually my original proposal was not improving the morph function. Morph function will involve two different items. My proposal involves only one item. The animations (rotate/translate/scale) apply to same item.

Yes, I can achieve the same result with a big animated GIF. But that will require a lot more works not counting if I need to make adjustment later.


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